10 digital accessibility mistakes to avoid
10 digital accessibility mistakes to avoid
A list of common mistakes and simple fixes when designing and developing accessible websites and apps.
A list of common mistakes and simple fixes when designing and developing accessible websites and apps.
Colour contrast between text and background is important on web pages. It affects some people’s ability to perceive the information (in other words to be able to receive the information visually).
I’m Ed, a designer at GDS. Last year we did some usability research with users with a range of visual impairments. We found out lots of interesting things, and one in particular was about the way blind users of touchscreen devices …
When a sighted person visits a page on the GOV.UK website, they can take it in at a glance. They can quickly identify the header and footer, the main content area and navigation, and other things like a search. Someone …
...which tray to put my peach paper in. My work phone has a 6 inch screen and a 'big font' app. I use email and calendar functionality as well as...
Digital Accessibility Specialist Richard Morton encourages developers to dump their mouse for an hour. A computer mouse is a great invention: it’s really useful, but it can become an unintended barrier, because designers and developers usually use a mouse or trackpad, and …
Emily Ball, a senior user researcher working on digital services to help resettle Syrian refugees, reflects on how colleagues in Home Office Digital are increasing their understanding of what it means to create services that are accessible to all.