What GDS has found from public sector accessibility monitoring

Find out what our team found from the last 3 years of monitoring the accessibility of public sector websites and mobile apps.
Find out what our team found from the last 3 years of monitoring the accessibility of public sector websites and mobile apps.
This leader's guide is for anyone with responsibility for a digital team, product or service. It will help you work out how to build accessibility into your product or service from the start.
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provides a helpful framework for identifying technical accessibility issues, but what happens when the same issues crop up time and again? How can you find the causes and change the culture of the team behind the system?
Try the mouse challenge this Global Accessibility Awareness Day to understand the importance of inclusivity in digital spaces.
The background At Government Digital Service (GDS), our mission is to make digital government simpler, clearer and faster for everyone. As part of the GOV.UK One Login programme, we released the GOV.UK ID Check app for iOS and Android last …
Super clues to help teams crack the case wide open: improving accessibility for websites and services with the help of new WCAG 2.2 criteria.