Talking user research and designing for deafness at the Cross-Government Accessibility meetup

Out most recent Cross-Government Accessibility Meetup features presentations from HMRC, Home Office and Citizens Advice. Here's what we talked about.
Out most recent Cross-Government Accessibility Meetup features presentations from HMRC, Home Office and Citizens Advice. Here's what we talked about.
Making services accessible means making services that anyone can use. It means creating and running them so that no one is excluded, whether they have a disability or not. From our discussions around government and from our growing accessibility community, …
Karwai Pun is an interaction designer currently working on Service Optimisation to make existing and new services better for our users. Karwai is part of an accessibility group at Home Office Digital, leading on autism. Together with the team, she’s created these …
The accessibility team at GDS is growing and we want to work out how best to help people in government make services accessible.
I’m Ed, a designer at GDS. Last year we did some usability research with users with a range of visual impairments. We found out lots of interesting things, and one in particular was about the way blind users of touchscreen devices …
Emily Ball, a senior user researcher working on digital services to help resettle Syrian refugees, reflects on how colleagues in Home Office Digital are increasing their understanding of what it means to create services that are accessible to all.