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Government Communication Service tips to deliver better British Sign Language content

A BSL interpreter for the King’s Coronation 2023 points to a link for the coronation website.

The Government Communication Service has published guidance including handy tips to help departments deliver better British Sign Language content to meet the needs of Deaf BSL users.

Making a positive change: PDF to HTML

Screenshot of the webpage about the COVID-19 response: Living with COVID-19 the document has been published in both PDF and HTML format.

As communicators, we must take care to make our content as easy to understand and accessible as possible.

Five lessons from making DBS services accessible

Gold statue Of 'Justice', Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London viewed from a low angle against a blue sky.

Leyla Kee-McParlin of the Disclosure and Barring Service talks about the challenges of making services accessible and inclusive, and how that can be applied to other services, by using teams’ existing skills, but getting help from specialists where needed. Accessibility and inclusion is never “done” and learning has to continue.